But It’ll Be Fun They Said: Preparing for Your Session Pt. II

Most men aren’t overly excited to take photos, because they don’t have an expectation of what’s to come and why it’s so important to you. Take 15 minutes to educate and empower your guy. Tell him why you chose us and our style of photography. Show him your favorite sessions that we’ve done, explain why you love them, and express to him how much it means to you.

Even though he knows it means a lot to you, he’ll probably still be thinking, “Yeah, I get that it’s important to you, but do you really want ME in front of the camera?! I don’t know how to dress for these kinds of things. Not to mention, I’ll look like a bafoon in front of the camera!” Poor guy. We can feel his anxiety rising from here!

Not to worry, our Style Guide details fashion tips for him – from the type of fit that looks the best on camera to how to add extra visual interest! If he’s open to it, help him put together an outfit. Starting is sometimes the hardest part. Jimmy tends to stare at his button-ups for far too long, ha! Through our Style Guide and your encouragement, he’ll be looking dapper and debonair in no time!

It’s not just men that worry about looking like a bafoon in front of the camera. I mean really, no one teaches you in high school what to do with your hands during a photo session! We totally get the anxiety about this. That’s why we’ve written a blog post called, “No Cheese Allowed: How to Look Natural in Your Photos.” Check it out!

Trust us, once he knows it’s important and knows he’s not alone in preparing for the session, he’ll light up the camera for you! The most common thing we hear from guys before photo sessions is this: because of a bad experience in the past, they don’t like taking photos or don’t think they’ll be good at it. By the time we’re done, though, they can’t believe how fast it went and just how much fun they had!