Wow! How am I writing about Beckett’s 18-month milestone session?! How are we officially parents to a toddler?! Some days it feels like time has gone fast, but in other ways (particularly on days full of tantrums) it has felt very long, ha! Either way, it calls for a milestone session! We feel so blessed. Beckett has become our little buddy. I feel like the luckiest Mommy ever.
So much has happened in the last six months. We’ve done a ton and have seen so many people. Beckett’s a completely different kid. I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this post. The first year of his life, I was pretty detailed with each post, but this one covers six months! So, I thought I’d break it down into categories and bullet point the highlights. How’s that for showing off my Type A colors? 🙂
Travels & Visits
- Traveled to Colorado to see Nana & Papaw
- Christmas with Mimmie & Bubby
- Attempted a Fall trip to Gatlinburg that was a bust (we still don’t wanna talk about how bad it went, ha!)
- Nana & Uncle Grant visited and we got to play in snow and cuddle
- Went to Nashville with Daddy and the dogs while Mommy went on a girls trip to the Biltmore with Auntie
- Visited Daddy at work for the first time and brought him some yummy coffee
- Lots of playdates
- Serious GI virus that lasted over a month (but always remember that banana fibers look like worms in your baby’s poop!)
- Happily played in my room alone with the door shut for almost 15 minutes
- Started going to gymnastic open gyms and LOVE it
- Fall festival at Blowing Springs Farms
- Learned to take the mail to the mailbox which is my new “chore”
- Discovered how fun Christmas trees decorations are
- Had my first bonfire at Gigi and Pop-pop’s
- Changed out my infant carseat for a big boy one!
- Diagnosed with an ear infection and penicillin allergic reaction (happened we were in Colorado—not fun!)
- Snowfalls—first in Colorado and second at home
- Rock City and couldn’t stop saying “woah” and pointing to everything
- My reading nook was built!
Favorite Toys & Activities
- Exploring everything, especially dirt, rocks, and puddles
- All things water
- Anything outside
- Reading books, especially in my blue chair with my ankles crossed
- Helping mommy scout for her photography sessions
- Bookworms at the library
- Walks around my neighborhood in my blue car
- Trampolines
- Coloring and painting
- Looking out windows
- Brushing teeth and playing in the sink
- Using our garage as a playroom
- Hanging out with Daddy on Tuesdays while Mommy works in the master closet
- Auntie watching me once a week for a few hours and we jam to Dimash
- Sliding
- Spinning in circles and on the floor
- Jump parks
- Making faces for the camera
- Giving kisses on the lips
- Insisting on eating in a normal chair, not my booster seat (food can be stressful!)
- Being chased naked after my baths
- Playing with Tilly! I even learned how to let her out of her crate!
- Shaking my booty on command
- Helping Mommy do laundry and clean
Favorite Food
- Veggie straws
- Beyond Burger
- Almond yogurt
- Avocado
- Pouches
- Raisins
Developmental Milestones
- Officially went off formula and started using a sippy (~14 months)
- Season of tantrums
- Likes to put things away
- Trying to put my own clothes and shoes on
- Likes to stash objects and recover them
- Started climbing on everything
- Mastered walking
- Found my belly button and “pee pee”
- First molars
- Talking A LOT and answers “yeah” or “no” to questions
- 18- sleep regression exists, and it’s the worst
- Copy what friends say or do
(There’s obviously a ton more, but the list could be endless! Let’s get to the cute pictures already!) Hope you love Beckett’s 18-month Milestone Session! 🙂
- Daddy ended up having to help, because I got so frustrated.
- Getting cleaned up from my shoot!