August 18-September 17th (11th-going-on-12th month)
My baby’s a year old. How. The days leading up to his First Birthday (September 18th), I was emotional. I didn’t expect that. Pregnancy seems to have made me a bit more unemotional, but the teary eyes happened more than once. Why did his First Birthday feel so bittersweet and why did I have this sinking feeling whenever I thought about it? Will someone please help me understand my emotions? Thanks in advance, ha!
I feel like I should write a really epic, reflective blog post about Beckett’s first year of life. He deserves that right? But honestly, I have monthly blog posts over the last year, and I really just want to enjoy some face-to-face time with my little family. I think Beckett might value that a bit more 🙂 Though I can’t resist sharing some highlights from his 11th-going-on 12th month of life:
- We joined the YMCA. First time in public childcare. It went really well!
- Continued to LOVE dancing to music, especially pop and folk music, and have become much more animated when I do it.
- Started emphatically shaking head no and head banging.
- Grew to like books even more! I’ve been known to sit in my chair and “read” for at least 15 minutes! I’ll even cross my ankles in contentment.
- Started helping Mommy “dust” with the Swiffer and a cloth. I also “dry” dishes that come out of the dishwasher. I already knew how to clean the table with a paper towel, but now I’m just extending my capabilities 🙂
- I’ve started to lay on my belly to look under furniture. Mommy thinks it’s super cute.
- Had my first GI virus that lasted 3.5 weeks!
- Started going “ah” after taking sips of water.
- Enjoys all-things-water, including being splashed in the tub and putting my head underneath the running faucet!
- I’ve started using things around the house, like boxes and books, to help me get what I want on top of things by stacking them. Sometimes this even includes Mommy’s shoulders. She doesn’t seem to like that too much.
- Started walking between Mommy & Daddy.
- Discovered that I love slides!
- Really enjoy putting food, toys, and toothbrushes in Mommy’s mouth.
- I’ve become cuddlier.
- Discovered I like to draw.
- Became VERY interested in trying to plug cords in and putting things back where they belong.
We hope you love these captures of Beckett celebrating his First Birthday!
- Just doing my stretches.
- Are we almost done, Mommy?
- Feelin’ gangta
- I thought you said we were almost done?
- Hey girl!
Unedited, Favorite iPhone Photos of My 11th-Going-On 12th Month:
- Posting up reading his favorite book upside down. 🙂
- Ankles are crossed now—it’s serious!
- Mommy gave me a funny hair!
- Mommy thinks this looks like something from Dr. Seuss!
- Hey there!
- The only way Mommy was able to have any sort of “happy” was to let him play on the dishwasher. So be it, kid.
- Still loves the dog water bowl.
- Drying dishes for Mommy.
- Mimicing a pic we have of him when he was a newborn.
- Fun walks!
- This smirk!
- Well, hey there.
- He stacked this box up so he could reach his light!
- Stacking books to reach the light!
- Loving on our neighbor, Atlas.
- LOVING silde time!
- I do this around the house, just cause.
- I LOVE eating apples this way.
- Where’s Beckett?
- Mommy desperately trying to keep me happy.
- Like my sketches?
- Changing perspective changes everything!
- Smoothie face!
- Sharing is caring!
- Eating Mommy’s eggs.
- I love playing with older kids 🙂
- I can climb ladders!
- Giggles!
- I’m a sucker for the TV.
- Beep, beep!
- I love, love, love looking out my window.
- Mommy’s the best jungle gym.
- Trying out our new utility wagon.
- Walks with Kynlee & Logan are interesting, ha!
- First time at childcare at the YMCA. I did great!
- Mommy got a workout in while I played at Child Watch!
- Visiting with my Gigi!
- Mmm my first soft taco.
- I feel like there’s something on my head…
- Reading with Mommy.
- I’m up to something…
- Me and my buds Kynlee & Logan (taken by Katelyn Dennis)
- Taken by Katelyn Dennis
- Taken by Katelyn Dennis