Rebranding Phase II: Website Launch

Oh my lanta, it’s time to share my new website with you!!! AH! I designed this website myself and paid entirely too much attention to every detail. I have butterflies about sharing it with you. Surely there is something I missed, but if I wait to share my website until I believe it’s perfect, you’ll never see it, ha! Any other perfectionists out there who can relate? 

I started a rebranding adventure by changing my business name and tagline to “Alyssa Rachelle: Genuine. Joyful. Vibrant.” You can read more about why I chose that name and tagline here. Along with a new business name, I personally designed a new logo. Because I can’t just go halfway with any idea (yes, I like to exhaust myself with big, new projects while simultaneously creating a human), I decided to develop my own branding and design a new website.

It’s important to me that Alyssa Rachelle Photography has a consistent “look” or branding. I LOVE light, airy, and “clean” styles; swoopy fonts with modern complements; and fresh, life-giving colors. So, I consulted with other creatives in the market, and I’m so, so pleased with what we’ve come up with!

The new website launch is Phase Two of my rebranding adventure. Though my old website and host served their purpose, and was a heck of a lot cheaper, I’ve been blessed to have outgrown those shoes. I’ve always enjoyed techy projects and can recall many late nights growing up talking computer software, programming, and building with my dad. So, instead of outsourcing my website design, I decided to try my hand at it. Sure, it took 20 times longer to have a completed website, and a professional designer may have been able to take it to another level, but I’m thrilled about what I’ve created and these shoes fit well! 

My goals for my new website were to:

  • Be more interactive and engaging for visitors
  • Share more about me, my purpose, and personal adventures
  • Have customizable designing/coding
  • Have WordPress blog integration #bloggingislife
  • To attract more internet traffic through SEO


Phase Three will be a launch of my new blog website, which will mirror the website design I’m sharing today. During Baby Leave I plan to start transferring the blog content that’s on my old website onto my new blog site. Ick, I’m not looking forward to that tedious work, but it’s important to me that all the old content and resources are still shared and accessible. Anyone bored and want to help a new, first-time mommy out?!

I can’t believe I was able to complete this project before Beckett arrives. My original plan was to do between his birth and January 2019 when I begin photographing sessions again, but with as many times as my eyes crossed from staring at the screen for hours…I’m glad I chose to go ahead and invest in some extra late night hours now, ha!


Thanks for sharing in my journey, and I hope you enjoy my new site!

-Alyssa Rachelle

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