Spring Portraits with Bunnies at Red’s Hay Farm | Chattanooga Family Photographer
I’m so thrilled that Spring Mini Session 2021 actually got to happen! Last year, all my plans got derailed, because the COVID-19 pandemic was just starting to shut down businesses. To celebrate, I really wanted the mini sessions to be extra special!
So, I rented out land, an antique truck, live bunnies (one of which I’m pretty sure could win an award for the longest ears!), and all the florals from Red’s Hay Farm! 🙂 I also brought carrots for the kids to feed the bunnies, which was a great way for the kids to get comfortable and keep the bunnies in place! Next to the truck was beautiful long grass that I used for quick family shots if time allowed.
Everything was a hit!!! I LOVED the way the set-up photographed, the bunnies were SO CALM, the kids had the biggest genuine smiles, and the weather was perfect! I was slightly nervous that someone would get nibbled or pottied on by a bunny, but it didn’t happen—thank you Jesus! Not to mention, most kids said that pictures with LIVE bunnies was way more fun than posing with a costume Easter bunny! SCORE! 🙂
Keep scrolling to see the cutest smiles! Somehow I was even able to capture a bunny with an infant. There’s just something about babies and animals, right?! 🙂
Thank you again to Kim at Red’s Hay Farm for being such a big part of helping all this happen!
- That’s a wrap! 🙂